Staffing solutions for your workplace
Staffing solutions for your workplace
Looking for an untapped workforce? We have a large database of re-skilled, keen and willing workers. Through Workforce Australia Specialist Employment Services, BUSY Ability support people who have had past experience with the justice system to reskill, find and remain in stable employment.
Through the Disability Employment Services program, CoAct BUSY Ability also support people living with an illness, injury or disability to find, or remain in, employment. Employing someone with disability in your workplace adds diversity which is linked to increased staff morale, teamwork, social responsibility and a positive corporate brand.
When employing a person through BUSY Ability, your business may be eligible for wage subsidies of up to $10,000. Our consultants can tell you more about your eligibility when considering employing one of our candidates.
If required, BUSY Ability can provide access to funding for any necessary work modifications to ensure your new employee is fully equipped to perform their role. These include special computer equipment, modifications to the work area and more.
If you have a current employee with an injury, illness or disability, we can also provide access to support services to assist them to remain in employment. We work with you and the candidate to get the best outcome for both.