It’s great for everyone


By forging a partnership with BUSY Ability, you’re helping to create opportunities for people who are socially or economically disadvantaged, including people with a lived experience of the justice system and people who live with disability.

Together, we’re building a socially-inclusive, diverse community, reducing unemployment, developing our regional economy and addressing the skills shortage. And that’s good for everyone. We invite you to become part of the solution. If you’re keen to get involved please call us on 1800 761 561.


On average, each year in Australia approximately 500,000 people are convicted and the majority (35%) are for vehicular and traffic regulatory offences. People who have a criminal record often face significant barriers to full participation in the Australian community and trying to find a job is one of the areas of greatest difficulty for former offenders.

Approximately 1 in 5 Australians are living with disability, which equates to 2.2 million Australians of working age. Of these only 54% are employed!  Additionally, 80% of these disabilities are invisible. Chances are you are already working with at least one person with disability – you just don’t know it.

By partnering with BUSY Ability to support people into work you are helping to create inclusive communities, transforming the lives of marginalised people – and just being an all-round force for good!

Contact us today to talk about

how we can partner to assist your workplace staffing requirements