Often not a straight path, many people find a career path will have many twists and turns. This was also the case for Heidi on her path to finding meaningful employment.

Living with anxiety and ADHD, after many years of struggling to find consistent work, Heidi linked with the BUSY Ability team in Frankston Victoria in October last year.

Heidi was placed into work within three weeks but unfortunately this didn’t end up being the right long-term solution for her. The BUSY Ability Frankston team worked with Heidi again to help her find employment that suited her interests and that would be sustainable. Working closely with Heidi’s NDIS Support Workers and Support Coordinator, Heidi was engaged in equine therapy at Jindarra Park, a boutique horse agistment and equine therapy provider on the Mornington Peninsula.  It was during these sessions that Heidi reignited her passion for animals, especially horses.

Inspired by this, BUSY Ability approached Jindarra Park and organised a volunteering opportunity with the local animal care organisation. Being around the animals on the farm provided Heidi with a renewed sense of purpose and lifted her spirits.

BUSY Ability’s goal is always long-term sustainable employment, and the team began to approach a transition for Heidi from volunteering work into paid employment. They approached Jindarra Park, who were very interested in employing Heidi on an ongoing basis as they noticed how diligently she worked with the animals; however, the business did not have much experience with employing people living with disability.

When Jindarra Park decided to employ Heidi as a general groundsperson, it marked a significant milestone in her journey. In her role, Heidi assists by clearing out the yards, helping get rid of debris to make sure the horses don’t get hurt and helping to dig trenches to ensure the paddocks don’t flood. There are future plans for Heidi to enter an agriculture course as well.

BUSY Ability organized equipment to assist Heidi to perform her job well, including a kart, rake and gloves.

“It has been a pleasure to see Heidi’s confidence grow so quickly!” said Cristian, BUSY Ability Team Leader for the region. “Her skills on the farm have developed rapidly and she’s eager to upskill further and obtain a tractor license.”

Cristian also highlights a positive change in Heidi’s attitude and state of mind: “Her anxiety levels have decreased and she now regularly sends us photos from around the farm, showing just how proud she is of the work she’s doing. She has found a renewed purpose and joy in her role.”

Heidi is grateful for the support she has received!

“BUSY Ability has always been there to help,” she shares. “Supporting me with issues at work, working closely with my Occupational Therapist and support workers to help me move forward.”

The future at Jindarra Park is bright for Heidi, with a plan in place to further develop her skills and responsibilities, including organising training and a license for tractor use.

Heidi’s story is a reminder of the impact that personalised, tailored and supportive employment services can provide. From overcoming a potential career setback to thriving in a role she absolutely loves; Heidi exemplifies how the right support can turn challenges into opportunities. “Nothing is impossible,” she says, “with the right support, you can achieve any job you aspire to, regardless of disability.”

For those seeking similar support and opportunities, contact BUSY Ability to discuss their Disability Employment Services program. Discover how you can benefit from tailored support and find your path to success. Learn more about BUSY Ability’s Disability Employment Services.

Woman in PPE gear and gardening equipment in field with horse in background

Heidi is now flourishing at Jindarra Park and has been provided equipment to assist her in her day-to-day tasks.

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