Kristen first came to BUSY Ability in early 2020, through their NDIS support program. Living with autism, speech and intellectual impairments that made it difficult to communicate with others, to assist her to gain work-ready skills, Kristen undertook work experience in the bakery section at Coles. Kristen loved her work experience and aspired to one day become a paid employee of the supermarket chain.

Proving that determination and persistence brings success, Kristen’s dream came true in early 2020 when, after only a few months of engaging with BUSY Ability, she secured paid employment in the bakery with Coles!

Four years later, Kristen is excelling in her role, learning new skills and embracing new tasks with enthusiasm and dedication. Her daily tasks include printing ticket labels, packing cookies, slicing bread, cleaning benches, and organising baked bread. Despite the challenges she faces, Kristen’s progress has been remarkable.

Latrell Tranquille, Workforce Partner at BUSY Ability, has been supporting Kristen on site at Coles and has witnessed Kristen’s growth firsthand, stating, “I’ve noticed that Kristen has gotten very quick at the tasks she’s allocated, and she’s improved her interpersonal skills.  Coles has been very supportive and patient with Kristen, allowing myself and Kristen’s NDIS support worker, Belinda, to be on site to assist her in learning new tasks.”

Kristen’s support worker, Belinda, has played a major role in her development over the years. Previously Kristen’s support worker in Primary and High school, Belinda’s deep understanding of Kristen’s needs has led to the two forming a strong friendship as well as a unique and effective communication.

Latrell stated, “The two of them have a fantastic relationship! Belinda is excellent at helping Kristen understand clearly what needs to be done in her job at Coles.”

Now thriving in her role, Kristen is incredibly appreciative of the support she receives from BUSY Ability, saying, “Latrell and BUSY Ability help me in store. Latrell’s good, he’s a good worker!”

The power of employment goes beyond the paycheck, providing confidence, a sense of purpose and more. Working at Coles has given Kristen independence, allowing her to obtain her driver’s license, purchase her own car and enjoy doing what she loves on the weekends – hanging with her boyfriend and jet skiing!

Kristen’s story is an inspiring example of how an inclusive employer, tailored employment support and a positive attitude can lead to success. Kristen also shared some perspective into her newfound confidence, stating, “I’m not scared of work anymore, because I’m brave, strong, smart, and beautiful.”

Kristen’s advice to people living with a disability and who are unsure of whether a job is right for them; “Don’t be scared or discouraged because it will always get better.”

Stacey Turnbull, Chief Executive Officer at BUSY Ability stated, “Everyone deserves the opportunity to contribute through meaningful employment. The social connections, confidence and independence it provides those living with a disability, not only benefits the individual but the whole community. Through BUSY Ability’s Disability Employment Services program and NDIS supports, Kristen will continue to receive the support she needs to succeed in her employment and we look forward to watching her progress in her career!”

Are you living with disability and looking for work? Learn more about BUSY Ability’s Disability Employment Services

Young woman with male recruitment worker standing in front of Coles supermarket

Latrelle (L) from BUSY Ability who has been supporting Kristen with her employment at Coles.

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