In his own words, Nate Quinnell (known as The Hurricane Chef) admits that working alongside a blind chef can make people nervous, what with all the knives and hot surfaces that abound in kitchens! However, Monte Lupo café, a social enterprise intiative by Multicap who deliver a range of Disability Services, recognises the skills that people living with disability can bring. Partnering with BUSY Ability, a Disability Employment Services provider, has seen Nate excel in his role as chef at the café where he has worked full time for the last two years. A qualified and celebrated chef who has written cook books and featured on numerous television programs, the café are grateful for Nate’s expertise as well as his customer-pulling power!

“A lot of places are a bit nervous about working with a blind chef but here they’re great, very supportive. A common saying here is, ‘Look at Nate, he’s not crying’, when we’re chopping onions.”

Ben Dyson from Multicap discussing Nate’s determination says, “To come to work daily, put in 110 percent and make a difference to the business, should be an inspiration to anybody!”

Paul Bonser from BUSY Ability agrees and believes that employing people living with disability can be the better choice. With more than one in five Australians living with disability, it makes sense for businesses to tap into a skilled and often overlooked workforce, while also sending a strong message to their customers.

“Honestly, sometimes people living with disability are the best person for the job. It can be because of their particular view of the world or it is their particular disability that makes them great at their job.”

Nate is proving that hiring someone living with disability is a great choice for business. He sums it up nicely when he says, “If there’s something out there that you want to achieve, just don’t give up!”

Watch Nate’s story below!

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