What are the rights of people with disability?
Every person on the planet has the same human rights. These human rights are intended to make the world safer and fairer for all people. They are:
Respect, Accessibility, Freedom, Non-Discrimination, Participation, Equality and Dignity
More recently the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities explained how human rights relate specifically for people with disabilities.
Some of the key rights of people with disability include:
- To make choices and express opinions
- To be treated fairly and equally
- To be treated with dignity
- To work in a job we choose and earn fair and equal wages
- To have independence, living how we want to live
- To have equal access to public spaces, amenities, travel and information.
The role of Disability services
All disability service providers must abide by a set of Standards (rules and guidelines), to make sure people with disability are receiving good quality. This is a brief summary of each of the six National Standards for Disability Services. You should expect these standards from any disability service you use. BUSY Ability strives to exceed these standards in every service we provide.
1. RIGHTS: You are supported to uphold and protect your rights. In particular, you have the right to make your own decisions about the supports you want to receive.
2. PARTICIPATION & INCLUSION: You can take part in the community in ways that are important to you and that make you feel included.
3. INDIVIDUAL OUTCOMES: You are listened to about what you want to achieve. You feel supported to make decisions on how to achieve your goals.
4. FEEDBACK & COMPLAINTS: You have a say about what works and what doesn’t work in the service you receive. You have a say about how the service could be improved. You are free to make a complaint if you are not satisfied with the service.
5. SERVICE ACCESS: Access to the service is fair. It is clear what services and supports are available to you. You are supported with other options if you are not eligible for the service or you feel it is not suitable for you.
6. SERVICE MANAGEMENT: You receive services that are well-planned and well-delivered.
What role does your service provider play in protecting your rights?
Disability service organisations and their staff have an important role in respect to the rights of people with disability. There are several ways they can do this, including:
- To treat all service-users with respect, and without any form of discrimination.
- To not violate your human rights.
- Wherever possible, to prevent others from violating your human rights, including co-workers, employers, family and the general public.
- To put in place preventative measures to protect abuses occurring.
- To help service users to understand their rights.
- To speak up when they see or hear a person not respecting another’s rights.
- To promote to others the importance of upholding human rights (disability rights in particular).
- Take positive steps to support people to experience the same human rights as everyone else.
- To report and/or address breaches that they become aware of.
- To support people with disability to access professional advice, support or advocacy services.
If your rights aren’t being respected
You can raise this with your BUSY Ability consultant / planner, if you feel comfortable to do so. If you would rather speak to someone else, ask to speak to BUSY Ability’s Area Manager.
You can make a complaint, either in writing, by phone or in person. If you prefer you can email info@busyability.org.au and we will get back to you. All complaints will be recorded in our complaints register and followed up by the appropriate manager until investigated and addressed.
For more information about giving your feedback or making a complaint, ask an BUSY Ability staff member for a copy of our Feedback and Complaints Policy.
Want to know more?
For more information on the National Standards for Disability Services, check out this booklet from the Department of Social Services:
And for an Easy Read booklet:
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