Paul came to BUSY Ability seeking support through the Workforce Australia Specialist Employment Program after he lost his former job, working as a removalist. The Specialist Employment program supports people with a prior conviction or who are exiting the prison system, to reintegrate into the workforce.

His Employment Consultant at BUSY Ability, Hannah, could see that Paul had lost confidence in finding new employment. He was disengaged, avoided interacting with her and only attended limited appointments. Over a period of time though, Hannah was able to build rapport with Paul and started suggesting some referral programs that BUSY Ability deliver or partner with, that would support him to become more confident and work-ready.

A First Nation’s man, Hannah asked Paul if he would like to attend the First Nations Pre Employment Program. At this program, he was connected with Shannon Trindall, BUSY Ability’s First Nations Mentor, and other participants who were also First Nations and, feeling understood and supported, Paul successfully attended 100% of the program that assists participants with work-ready skills. These skills include effective communication, computer skills, resume building, job application support, interview readiness and addressing cultural barriers.

Upon completion of this course, Paul felt ready to attend a Skilling Queenslanders for Work course that Skill360 (also a part of The BUSY Group) were delivering in his region. The two-week Life Skills 4 Warehousing course held at Eagle Farm prepared participants for Warehousing work, which Paul took an interest in. From here, this led to Paul also attending a Forklift course, which he really enjoyed.

The learning Paul gained in technology and skills for the logistics industry, gave him the confidence to then enrol in the YAKKA Rail Course through Launch into Work, an organisation that partners with government and industry to provide employment opportunities for First Nations people who have lived experience in the justice system to help ‘Close the Gap’. BUSY Ability partner with organisations like Yakka Training and the Launch Into Work program, to support our First Nations customers into work.

Paul now regularly keeps in touch with Hannah and his optimism and confidence has grown exponentially! When he graduates from the Yakka Training course at the end of May, Paul will be guaranteed employment within the rail industry.

From the start of his journey where he was disengaged and having difficulties overcoming barriers with a lack of self confidence, Paul is now self-empowered and ready to commence a new career path in the rail industry and find financial independence again.

In Paul’s words, ”BUSY Ability has given me a new and improved confidence, I have been able to complete a number of courses that have helped me get ready to get back to work. I have learnt a lot and made some great friends throughout the time I’ve been linked with BUSY. They have helped me in so many ways.”

Find out more about BUSY Ability Specialist Employment Services program.

First Nations Railway Worker standing next to train

Through BUSY Ability’s support, Paul has gained skills and upon completion of Yakka Training, is set to start work for Queensland Rail.

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