The end of the year is fast approaching and for many this is exciting but there are also many school leavers who will no longer have the structure and routine of school and find this a very daunting prospect.

The questions of – what happens next? what opportunities are out there for me? who will support me? and where to even start thinking about a job after leaving school are at the forefront for school-leavers and their parents or carers.

BUSY Ability are here to assist those school leavers who need support to get started on their journey transitioning from school to work.

The NDIS funds a whole range of supports and these vary for every person based on their individual needs.  At BUSY Ability we specialise in employment supports including:

  • support to help build a person’s capacity to work
  • support to identify suitable employment options
  • support to undertake work experience
  • support in employment (on-the-job support)

These supports can be delivered in groups or individually and include the full range of employment skills as well as other areas such as travel training, money handling, social skills, communication, appropriate behaviour, and any other foundational skills that will be beneficial for employment.

We want to see every young school leaver have the opportunity to achieve their goals and dreams – and for many, the first step is knowing that support like ours is available to them.

You can contact us by calling 1800 761 561, or emailing

Or find out more about School Leaver Employment Supports.

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