Before graduating from high school last year, Adam Duncan signed up with BUSY Ability’s School Leaver Employment Support (SLES) program under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to help him prepare for life after graduation.
The SLES program aims to assist individuals as they transition from school into employment by providing them with a range of supports for up to two years, including exploring their strengths, identifying opportunities, and developing the skills and confidence to reach their goals.
Diagnosed with Autism, Adam received support and assistance from BUSY Ability that helped him secure an apprenticeship as a Heavy Vehicle/Diesel Mechanic at Clarks Logan City Bus Service doing mechanical and maintenance work on TransLink buses.
“During school, I went to BUSY Ability at Woodridge one day a week for about 6-7 hours where we would work on my people skills and how to conduct myself in an interview. I now have the confidence to do interviews by myself without feeling anxious,” said Adam.
Adam undertook work experience in Year 12 in the Heavy Vehicle industry, which he really enjoyed as he was able to learn about trucks and how to fix them. This prompted Adam to continue working in the industry as it kept him busy and he really enjoys the hands-on experience.
“The company I am working at is really close by and so I hope to gain full time employment once I have finished my apprenticeship, it’s the perfect job,” said Adam.
Senior Employment Support Planner at BUSY Ability, Damien Hoskins, said “Adam had some barriers to overcome when he first started with BUSY Ability, but he was determined to do so and with assistance from his wonderful family and myself, Adam’s confidence, communication and interview skills improved, and he reached his goal of becoming a Heavy Vehicle/Diesel Mechanic Apprentice.”
Adam encourages school leavers living with disability to go through BUSY Ability’s support program to help find work that suits their needs.
“I hope more people with conditions like mine will get into this industry too,” said Adam.
So, give it a try, see if you like it and if it works for you, then stick with it. It helped me.”
CEO for BUSY Ability, Jason Shield, stated “School Leaver Employment Supports, as part of the NDIS helps school leavers become work ready by increasing their confidence and teaching them useful skills that will help them in the workforce. We are so pleased Adam has benefited from this program and we wish him all the best with his apprenticeship.”
Adam is undertaking an apprenticeship in Diesel Mechanics and is looking forward to a career path in the industry, thanks to School Leaver Employment Supports.
To find out more about our School Leaver Employment Support program, visit:
Michelle Ryan
Ph: 0407 169 029