The annual Disability Action Week for Queensland commenced on Saturday 25th November, and the theme this year is Access Ignites: it’s good for business! With events run through local councils and community organisations across the State, everyone is encouraged to get involved by attending events in their region and learning more about inclusion in the workplace.

BUSY Ability is a Disability Employment Services provider with over 30 years experience supporting individuals to find employment and business with their staffing needs. We’ve assisted thousands of people to find meaningful employment, financial independence and personal fulfillment. As well, businesses we support have found loyal and skilled employees by tapping into a talent pool that is, sadly, often overlooked.

Access really does ignite and is great for business! Here are just some of the many reasons to employ people with disability:

  • Widen your talent pool and find keen, skilled, and highly loyal employees for your business.
  • Adding diversity to your team improves workplace culture, reduces absenteeism and improves staff retention.
  • Increase productivity – studies show that employing people with disability creates a workforce that is more productive.
  • Improve your bottom line – In Australia, people with disability and the elderly hold over $40 billion dollars annually of disposable income.
  • Improve your brand and be recognised as an equal opportunity organisation.
  • Improve customer relationships – inclusive workplaces are 5 times more likely to have excellent customer service.
  • Provide financial security for persons living with disability (and their families).

Read More about the benefits of hiring persons with disability.

Breaking down stereotypes and barriers

Most disabilities are hidden – in fact, most people are likely working with someone with disability and not even know it.

Many people living with disability require only minor adjustments in the workplace to enable them to excel in their role. The costs of workplace adjustments (as well as potential wage subsidies) may also be accessed through government funding.

Those living with disability represent a talent pool of persons with a range of skills and experience that should not be ignored. If your business is seeking staff, during Disability Action Week, we encourage you to find out more about the benefits of hiring persons with disability – it really is good for business and all of us!

Learn and Get Involved!

You can find out about events in your area, along with plenty of educational resources by visiting the Queensland Government website. You can also register to join a free online webinar hosted by the Queenslanders with Disability Network held 1st December.

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